Here Are Some Potential Red Flags.
Here Are Some Potential Red Flags.
When the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) recently recommended decreasing their premium rate by 1.8 percent my first thought was, “That seems odd.” I mean, I understand that Workers’ Compensation claims are down overall by 1.6 percent in California alone but that’s just because of a major reduction in the workforce. Fewer jobs. Fewer […]
Even if your company doesn’t own a vehicle, you may still face auto liability exposure. Take the instance of an employee driving their personal vehicle to run a work-related errand. It is not a stretch to imagine that your company may be named in an ensuing lawsuit, especially if the worker’s personal automobile policy’s limits […]
Your worker is hurt on the job. Hey it happens. That’s why you have workers compensation insurance right? So you fill out all of the workman’s comp paper work and send it in only to find that despite dotting your “I”s and crossing your “T”s you get a notice from the fed about an investigation […]