Cal/OSHA’s Indoor Heat Illness Regulations Take Effect

Posted on: July 30th, 2024 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat illness prevention regulations took effect July 24, requiring employers to implement safety measures when indoor workplace temperatures reach or exceed 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The new rules apply to most indoor workplaces, such as restaurants, warehouses and manufacturing facilities, and require employers to provide water, rest, cool-down areas and training when temperatures exceed […]

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Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Rules Likely to Take Effect Soon

Posted on: June 7th, 2024 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

The Cal/OSHA Standards Board has voted to approve new heat illness prevention regulations that will require some workplaces to make significant adjustments to their operations in order to comply. The vote has been challenged, and at the last minute the California Department of Finance withdrew its approval of the regulatory changes due to a lack […]

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Cal/OSHA Proposes Ground-Breaking Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Standard

Posted on: May 16th, 2023 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

Cal/OSHA has proposed its long-awaited indoor heat illness prevention standard as increasingly hot summers are affecting workers in indoor spaces like warehouses, production operations, restaurants and more. The proposed standard, largely based on the state agency’s outdoor regulations, will require employers whose workplaces at times are at least 82 degrees to have a written Indoor […]

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Cal/OSHA Urges Employers to Protect Outdoor Workers Against Heat Illness

Posted on: May 12th, 2022 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

As we get closer to another scorching California summer, Cal/OSHA is reminding employers with outdoor workers to take precautions to protect them against the heat. California employers need to be especially mindful as Cal/OSHA has workplace safety regulations governing the prevention of heat illness and the agency actively enforces its heat illness prevention standard. Employers […]

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Why Workers’ Comp Claims Spike in the Summer

Posted on: July 17th, 2019 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

Workplace injury rates rise during the summer months. When summer rolls around, companies in many sectors, including agriculture and construction, significantly increase production. Increased road construction raises risks for workers and drivers. Many of the newly hired workers are young and inexperienced, creating a high potential for workplace injuries. Toiling in the sun is also […]

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Preventing Heat Illness as Temperatures Soar

Posted on: June 19th, 2018 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

With temperatures rising, employers with outdoor workers need to take steps to protect them from heat illness. California employers need to be especially mindful as Cal/OSHA has workplace safety regulations governing the prevention of heat illness. The heat illness standard came into effect about seven years ago as the number of deaths due to heat […]

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